This has to be a mail from or nanukmb
My mail sent to : nathan.mithila sent on November, 23,2007cant retrieve it?
It seems you have two e mail accounts: one each from google and the other from yahoo. In your earlier mail you wrote that you are denied access to your gmail account. It is possible that your password in gmail was wrongly entered by you. If this is not the case, you can go to the option on forgot password and find out what you can do to retrieve it.
As for your inability to see your mail sent to another g mail account, if you are unable to access gmail, then please log in to yahoo mail and see if your message to that person was sent from yahoo mail account. If a copy of your mail to that person is not in the sent mail folder of yahoo account, then you have to access your gmail to have a look at the mail you had sent.
If the person to whom you had sent the mail is a good friend of yours, then you can ask him/her to check and send you a copy of your mail of 23rd Nov., 2007 to him/her.
It is not advisable to reveal any e mail address in any question or answer you post in YA, to avoid spam.
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